Tuesday, July 22, 2014

How to import sql file in MySQL console to database

Suppose the sql file is named as file.sql, the path to the sql file is path.
To import the sql file to a Mysql database from MySQL console,
mysql> use DATABASE_NAME;
mysql> source path/file.sql;

How to start and stop MySQL services in Ubuntu Linux

Q. How do I start and stop mysql server under Debian / Ubuntu Linux system?
A. Simply use service or /etc/init.d/mysql script to start / stop / restart mysql database server.
Start MySQL Server

Monday, July 21, 2014

How to install and uninstall MySQL in Ubuntu Linux

This post talks about how to install and remove MySQL to and from the Ubuntu Linux system.

How to install Java JDK in Linux

To install JDK in UBuntu, a simple way is to follow the steps below:


Sunday, July 20, 2014

How to completely uninstall Java in Linux

To completely remove Java JRE or JDK installed on Linux, follow the steps below:

How to search and find files on Linux

Find by Name
To find a file by name, type:
find -name "query"
To find a file by name, but ignore the case of the query, type:
find -iname "query"

"RPM should not be used directly install rpm packages" Solution

In Ubuntu Linux, I tried to install rpm packages with command:
$ sudo rpm -ivh *.rpm

However, the installation is not successful and there is warning message:
RPM should not be used directly install rpm packages.

Friday, July 18, 2014

“Unable to locate package” errors for all software

In Ubuntu Linux, I am not able to install any program. When I install programs with apt-get,  it always shows the same error: "unable to locate package". For example when I try to install rpm, here is what it shows:
$ sudo apt-get install rpm
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package rpm

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Solution to Access Restriction error on class Due to Restriction on Required Library

"Access restriction: The method encode(byte[]) from the type CharacterEncoder is not accessible due to restriction on required library /home/MyEclipse Professional 2014/binary/com.sun.java.jdk7.linux.x86_64_1.7.0.u45/jre/lib/rt.jar"

After search, here is a solution works good for me:

How to uninstall a plugin in MyEclipse 2014

To uninstall a plugin in MyEclipse 2014, follow the steps below:

1. Go to Help
2. Open About MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench
3. Click on Installation Details.
4. In the opened window, you can see all softwares installed.
5. Select and Uninstall the plugin

How to install Subclipse in MyEclipse 2014

Subclipse is a plugin to be used in Eclipse/MyEclipse for SVN access. MyEclipse 2014 is different from previous versions. However, to install Subclipse in MyEclipse 2014, it is still very easy.

Simply follow the following steps: